
Faculty of Philosophy

Level:  doctoral academic studies
Upon end of the studies student will receive a title: Sociology – doctoral degree (ph.d.)
The Doctoral degree study program in Sociology is designed to simultaneously enable the following: • To transmit the latest scientific results concerning specific scientific areas, which are in the interest of candidates, • To orient students towards exploring similar scientific disciplines that will develop interdisciplinary approach in researching social occurrences, which necessary for successful research and scientific work, and • To acquire candidates with fundamental theoretical, epistemological and methodological knowledge, which qualify candidates for individual research work. Therefore, on one hand, during the doctoral study program, the candidates will be enabled to accomplish the supreme academic and professional competence, and on the other hand, will acquire abilities to critically approach, evaluate and comprehend social occurrence throughout the conducted research work. In other words, after graduating with a Doctoral degree in Sociology, the candidates will be qualified to individually conduct both personal and scientifically and socially relevant research work in order to completely contribute the development of Sociology as a science, and practical resolving of significant social issues. In order for the above mentioned to be achieved, the program is dedicated to acquire candidates with knowledge, competence and ability for individual scientific work, while rising consciousness about the social responsibilities of Sociology as a science. The practical consequence of gaining the Ph.D. in Sociology is the ability to teach at the research centers and institutions of higher education both in Serbia and abroad.

Goals of study program

The main objective of the Doctoral degree study program in Sociology is to qualify candidates to, upon graduation, become involved in scientific society both in our country and abroad based on their competence in order to contribute the development of the discipline, overall scientific knowledge and society in general. To achieve this all-purpose and wide ranging objective, the program is oriented towards several more specific objectives. Concerning that contemporary, and primarily social sciences are characterized by the existence of alternative (mutually conflicted) theories, the special attention will be paid to introducing candidates with theories’ advantages and disadvantages, in order to rise consciousness about the pluralism of scientific approaches, the necessity for tolerating theoretical differences, possible theoretical development that existing difference may stimulate, as well as for discovering the most relevant approaches for evaluating diverse social processes. Finally, one particular objective of the Doctoral degree program must be the growth of consciousness about the social essentials of Sociology, concerning society to be a specific study field, not only because the theoretical and methodological segment of this discipline is socially and historically stipulated, but also because Sociology itself must maintain the awareness about its social responsibility in order to define explanations for relevant social issues, including propositions for potential solutions.

Outcome of study program

The concept of the Doctoral study program in Sociology has been created and designed with the intention to, once the educational process has ended, advance the development student’s abilities to individually, systematically and critically understand and explore various theoretical, historical and empirical issues concerning social studies. In order to achieve this goal, the student will be trained to diagnose and differentiate hypothetical from practical and existent social matters, to position theoretical or empirical study program to research those same matters, to become skilled at adequate research methods and techniques as well as at data basis research methods, to discover to creatively interpret the results of the study, and to come across the ways of applying them to concrete matters.

During the Doctoral study program, the graduate students will gain fundamental education in the area of Sociology as well as the essential understanding of major social and sociological issues. The students will also be introduced to sociological research methods and techniques, as well as to modern data research techniques. The special attention will be given on preparing students to, after the graduation, continue following modern sociological trends so they can access and maintain connections with international scientific society. Due to that, students will be capable of professional assisting in international research projects, and to present their works and achievements in books and magazines, and at conventions and public presentations. This will be one of the ways of enabling a graduate student to individually provide for the growth of Sociology as a science.

The special concept within Sociology as a science is a concept of Sociology being self reflexive science that reflects society. Therefore, with forming the conscious about the sociological research having to completely respect the principles of ethics, the Doctoral study program in Sociology develops the awareness in a graduate student of becoming responsible for the growth of the society and humanity.

Prerequisite for attending study program

An entrance conditions for enrollment in a follow-up Doctoral study program are the completion of study in a Master’s study program (300 ECTS credits), the average grade of 8.00 during Bachelor and Master’s study programs, or at least five published research studies in magazines of national and international recognition. The knowledge of at least one foreign language is mandatory as well. Rules for entrance examinations and admission are set in connection with the Faculty of Philosophy Statute. A student applying for a Doctoral study program with a Master’s degree from a different study group will have to take the differential exam if necessary.
Modules on this study program:
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Subjects lectured on this study program:
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