Principles of motor control in humans (UB MHT2)

University of Belgrade

ECTS: 6.0

Contents of lectures

Organization of the human motor and sensory system. Afferent and efferent system of neurons, neural pathways. Principle of posture control. A biomechanical approach to the analysis of postural control. Posture adaptation. Sensory systems that control posture. Cyclic movement control mechanism. Central rhythm generator. The role of the reflex system in the control of cyclic movements. Principles of bipedal gait control. Motor programs characterizing pathological gait. Biomechanical basis for gait analysis.

Contents of exercises

Learning through the implementation of practical tasks in the field of principles of motor control in humans.



Getting to know the organization of the human sensorimotor system. Getting to know the control of hand movements, standing and walking. Familiarity with basic pathological conditions caused by injury or disease of the central/peripheral nervous system, muscular system and changes in the skeletal system.


  1. Popović DB, Sinkjær T. Control of Movement for the Physicaly Disabled, Springer, 2000, London, U.K.
  2. Kandel ER, Schwartz JH, Jessell TM, Siegelbaum SA, Hudspeth AJ (Editors) Principles of Neural Science, 5th Edition, 2012, Mc Graw-Hill Comanies, Inc.

Type of examination

Methods of teaching practice
