
Faculty of Philosophy

Level:  master academic studies
Upon end of the studies student will receive a title: Master of arts in philology/classical studies
The purpose of the masters study program in classical sciences is to acquire expert scientific knowledge and to master an area of study in classical studies - greek linguistics, latin linguistics, literature of antiquity, cultural history of antiquity, middle greek philology, middle latin philology, history of religion, reception of antique literature and comparistics. Through an interdisciplinary approach, students will broaden and enrich their knowledge and methods in the field of classical studies and gain a broad basis for professional and scientific work in the fields of philology, linguistics, literary and historical studies.

Goals of study program

Furthering and completing foundational knowledge from undergraduate studies in classical studies by learning new approaches and specializing in a field of research in classical studies. Becoming an expert in classical studies that will be able to independently and consistently advance professionally and continue to work in and contribute to scientific research.

Outcome of study program

A graduate of the masters program in philology/classical studies will posess a high degree of familiarity with the classical sciences and will be able to provide expertise in a specific area of classical studies; providing the graduate with independent ability and competency to work in pertinent professional fields, from a broad spectrum of academia, to media, culture(museums, libraries, media libraries, archives, cultural centers), publishing agencies, publicity and tourism. A graduate with a masters in philology/classical studies will be able to further advance expertise and specialization in the area of interest and will be able to offer insight into the culture of antiquity by interpreting texts and and cultural phenomena.

Prerequisite for attending study program

Completed undergraduate study in classical studies (240 ECTS) or equivalent undergraduate classical studies four year program, according to the conditions and statutes of the University and Faculty; students that have completed another undergraduate program must take a differential exam in accordance with masters program and University rules.
Modules on this study program:
Name Acronym Semester Module info
Subjects lectured on this study program:
Acronym Name ECTS Semester Module Type External URL