
Faculty of Chemistry

Level:  master academic studies
Upon end of the studies student will receive a title: Master in biochemistry
Study program of master academic studies in Biochemistry has a workload of 60 ЕCTS credits and includes required (12 ЕCTS credits) and elective (8 ЕCTS credits) courses, studious research work (20 ЕCTS credits) and a master's thesis (20 ЕCTS credits). Required courses are Bioinformatics and Contemporary Biochemical Methods, and within the elective courses students can choose courses which they have not attended during their basic studies (Biochemistry and Physiology of Plants) and/or advanced courses of basic courses in biochemistry, chemistry or biology. Students will be guided towards research work, especially through individual work with a supervisor within studious research work and through writing a master's thesis. Instruction is conducted through individual (supervised) work with students or through work with small groups of students. Teaching methods are adequately adapted (consultations, term papers, elaborating papers from original scientific literature). The accent is on experimental work with the elements of research work which is mainly done in teams in research (instructional) laboratories. Extensive use of computers is planned in all aspects of teaching.

Goals of study program

The primary goal of this study program is to enable students to acquire a master's degree which (along with bachelor's degree) will be recognized/accepted by all European institutions and which will enable students to find appropriate employment or to continue their doctoral studies in biochemistry or related disciplines at Serbian or other European universities.

Outcome of study program

Students will be able to conduct within teamwork (but independently as well) all stages of the research part of a research (scientific) project. They will gain experience in working with up-to-date instruments which are used in biochemical research laboratories. Students will be able to independently apply complex biochemical protocols and they will be familiar with bioinformatics and with the application of computers in all stages of research work. They will be able to present the results of their work at scientific conferences both orally and in writing. Students will broaden and deepen their knowledge of biochemical, chemical and biological disciplines, develop their ability to solve scientific and professional problems in the area of biochemistry by applying analytical and computational methods, they will deepen the knowledge and improve the skills needed for working with biological material and experimental animals, they will develop their ability to study literature and present literature data in a critical way, they will acquire specific experimental skills, gain experience in independent work with modern instruments, broaden and deepen their laboratory practice (safety at work, working with pathological material), they will improve on keeping laboratory records, as well as improve their numerical skills (biochemical calculations), they will be able to analyze a research problem within teamwork, present it within a master's thesis and present and discuss the thesis orally.

Prerequisite for attending study program

The appropriate higher education with the total workload of 240 ECTS is required for the admission to the study program of master academic studies in Biochemistry.
Modules on this study program:
Name Acronym Semester Module info
Subjects lectured on this study program:
Acronym Name ECTS Semester Module Type External URL