Food Technology

Faculty of Agriculture

Level:  master academic studies
Upon end of the studies student will receive a title: Master engineer in agriculture
Master academic studies are realised within one group, namely: food technology. The group comprises 3 main courses (18 ЕCTS credit points) and 3 elective blocks (21 ЕCTS credit points). Within these studies a technical training is envisaged (3 ЕCTS credit points) and master's thesis of 15 ЕCTS, in the ninth and tenth semester (5+10). The first elective course is chosen from a total of 5 offered within one elective block I. Within the elective block I, there are the following courses: Heat and mass transfer phenomena, Application of enzyme preparations in food production, Bacteriology of food, Structure, composition and post-mortem changes in animal tissues, Advanced course of chemistry and physics of milk. The second and third elective course is chosen from the elective block II that is the elective block III. Within the group of the elective block II, the following courses are offered: Modelling and optimisation of procedures for heat conservation, Modelling and optimisation of fermentation processes, Food Mycology, Functional and technological properties of animal tissues. Within the group of the elective block III, 16 courses are offered: Advanced course of cooling and freezing technology of food products, Advanced course of technology of fruit and vegetables, Advanced course of technology of prepared meals, Advanced course of beer technology, Advanced course of wine technology, Advanced course of spirits technology, Advanced course of processing of wheat and flour, Advanced course of confectioneries technology, Advanced course of technology of oil and fat, Advanced course of technology of sugar and starch, Advanced course of technology of growing and processing tobacco, Advanced course of meat technology, Advanced course of ancillary products in meat production, Advanced course of processing technology of milk, Advanced course of microbiology of animal products, Advanced course of microbiology of plant products, Advanced course of food biochemistry.

Goals of study program

The main goal of the study programme is the expert with high level of fundamental and applicable knowledge of the fields of different food technologies whose Master's degree (together with undergraduate degree) will be recognised by all European institutions and which enable students find their places in food technology or to continue doctoral studies in the fields of some of food technologies enrolling on domestic or some university courses in the world. Master studies should offer specific knowledge needed for determination and quick identification of micro-organisms originating from food, specific knowledge of the field of analytical methods needed for modern chemical analysis of food products, specific knowledge needed for management of food safety and quality in production processes of a chosen technology, as well as competence in critical thinking and ability to present acquired knowledge.

Outcome of study program

Upon the completion of master academic studies, students acquire thorough knowledge and technical skills in the fields of chosen food technologies and they are able to apply them to solving problems in partly new or unknown professional environment. Apart from that, students acquire knowledge and skills necessary for teamwork, and they are able to integrate information, as well as reasoning and drawing conclusions on the basis of the same. Students are qualified for efficient monitoring and adopting of innovations in the field of food technology, analytics and food microbiology. After completing these studies, students are able to transfer clearly knowledge and conclusions to professional and general public. Also, upon the completion of these studies the competences needed for higher level of studies (doctoral studies) are developed.

Prerequisite for attending study program

Admission to the first year of master academic studies is possible if: - The candidate graduated from the Faculty of Agriculture, corresponding study programme. - The candidate who graduated from some of related faculties or related study programme at the Faculty of Agriculture, after passing the additional examinations, if it is prescribed by the study programme, of the courses determined by the corresponding Department Council.
Modules on this study program:
Name Acronym Semester Module info
Subjects lectured on this study program:
Acronym Name ECTS Semester Module Type External URL