Study Programs

Преузми у Excel формату
ID S. t. Institution Study program ECTS Language First accreditation Last accreditation Accreditation expires
355 ОА Faculty For Physical Chemistry Physical Chemistry 240 Serbian 12.04.2008. 20.01.2021. 20.01.2028.
СС Faculty For Physical Chemistry 60 Serbian 28.05.2019. 28.05.2019. 27.05.2026.
356 МА Faculty For Physical Chemistry Physical Chemistry 60 Serbian 12.04.2008. 20.01.2021. 20.01.2028.
357 ДА Faculty For Physical Chemistry Physical Chemistry 180 Serbian 12.04.2008. 20.01.2021. 20.01.2028.
ДА Faculty For Physical Chemistry Physical Chemistry 180 English 06.03.2015. 06.03.2015. 27.06.2021.
150 ОА Faculty for Special Education and Rehabilitation Speech and Language Pathology 240 Serbian 10.07.2009. 05.11.2021. 05.11.2028.
151 ОА Faculty for Special Education and Rehabilitation Special Education and Rehabilitation of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities 240 Serbian 10.07.2009. 24.12.2021. 24.12.2028.
381 ОА Faculty for Special Education and Rehabilitation Defectology 240 Serbian 20.03.2015. 07.09.2021. 07.09.2028.
ОА Faculty for Special Education and Rehabilitation 240 Serbian 10.07.2009. 10.07.2009. 10.07.2014.
ОА Faculty for Special Education and Rehabilitation 240 Serbian 10.07.2009. 10.07.2009. 10.07.2014.
ОА Faculty for Special Education and Rehabilitation 240 Serbian 10.07.2009. 10.07.2009. 10.07.2014.
ОА Faculty for Special Education and Rehabilitation 240 Serbian 10.07.2009. 10.07.2009. 10.07.2014.
152 МА Faculty for Special Education and Rehabilitation Speech and Language Pathology 60 Serbian 10.07.2009. 29.05.2015. 29.05.2022.
152 МА Faculty for Special Education and Rehabilitation Speech and Language Pathology 60 Serbian 05.11.2021. 05.11.2021. 05.11.2028.
153 МА Faculty for Special Education and Rehabilitation Special Education and Rehabilitation of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities 60 Serbian 10.07.2009. 24.12.2021. 24.12.2028.
388 МА Faculty for Special Education and Rehabilitation Special Education and Rehabilitation 60 Serbian 20.03.2015. 07.09.2021. 07.09.2028.
МА Faculty for Special Education and Rehabilitation Prevention and treatment of behavioral disorders 60 Serbian 10.07.2009. 10.07.2009. 10.07.2014.
МА Faculty for Special Education and Rehabilitation Special education and rehabilitation of persons who are deaf and hard of hearing 60 Serbian 10.07.2009. 10.07.2009. 10.07.2014.
МА Faculty for Special Education and Rehabilitation Special education and rehabilitation of persons with physical disabilities 60 Serbian 10.07.2009. 10.07.2009. 10.07.2014.
МА Faculty for Special Education and Rehabilitation Special education and rehabilitation of persons with visual impairments 60 Serbian 10.07.2009. 10.07.2009. 10.07.2014.
154 ДА Faculty for Special Education and Rehabilitation Special Education and Rehabilitation 180 Serbian 29.05.2015. 07.09.2021. 07.09.2028.
155 ДА Faculty for Special Education and Rehabilitation Speech and Language Pathology 180 Serbian 29.05.2015. 05.11.2021. 05.11.2028.
156 ДА Faculty for Special Education and Rehabilitation Special Education and Rehabilitation 180 Serbian 10.07.2009. 28.11.2014. 28.11.2021.
ДА Faculty for Special Education and Rehabilitation 180 Serbian 28.12.2021. 28.12.2021. 28.12.2028.
112 ОА Faculty of Agriculture Agricultural Economics 240 Serbian 04.09.2009. 14.07.2020. 14.07.2027.
113 ОА Faculty of Agriculture Crop Production 240 Serbian 18.12.2008. 10.04.2020. 10.04.2027.
114 ОА Faculty of Agriculture Zootechnics 240 Serbian 18.12.2008. 25.03.2020. 25.03.2027.
115 ОА Faculty of Agriculture Land Reclamation 240 Serbian 18.12.2008. 10.05.2013. 10.05.2020.
116 ОА Faculty of Agriculture Agricultural Engineering 240 Serbian 18.12.2008. 10.05.2013. 10.05.2020.
117 ОА Faculty of Agriculture Food Technology 240 Serbian 26.03.2010. 19.06.2020. 19.06.2027.
ОА Faculty of Agriculture 240 Serbian 24.04.2020. 24.04.2020. 24.04.2027.
ОА Faculty of Agriculture 240 Serbian 24.04.2020. 24.04.2020. 24.04.2027.
ОА Faculty of Agriculture 240 Serbian 08.04.2020. 08.04.2020. 08.04.2027.
ОА Faculty of Agriculture 240 Serbian 09.07.2010. 09.07.2010. 09.07.2015.
118 МА Faculty of Agriculture Agricultural Economics 60 Serbian 04.09.2009. 14.07.2020. 14.07.2027.
119 МА Faculty of Agriculture Environmental Protection in Agriculture 60 Serbian 20.03.2015. 28.10.2021. 28.10.2028.
119 МА Faculty of Agriculture Environmental protection in agriculture - wus programme 60 Serbian 14.05.2010. 28.05.2010. 14.05.2015.
120 МА Faculty of Agriculture Agricultural Water Management 60 Serbian 27.08.2009. 24.05.2013. 24.05.2020.
121 МА Faculty of Agriculture Food Technology 60 Serbian 18.12.2008. 19.06.2020. 19.06.2027.
122 МА Faculty of Agriculture Phytomedicine 60 Serbian 18.12.2008. 08.04.2020. 08.04.2027.
МА Faculty of Agriculture Agricultural engineering 60 Serbian 18.12.2008. 18.12.2008. 18.12.2013.
МА Faculty of Agriculture Agriculture 60 Serbian 24.05.2013. 17.06.2020. 17.06.2027.
МА Faculty of Agriculture Crop and vegetable sciences 60 Serbian 18.12.2008. 18.12.2008. 18.12.2013.
МА Faculty of Agriculture Environmental Protection in Agriculture 60 English 20.03.2015. 28.10.2021. 28.10.2028.
МА Faculty of Agriculture Environmental protection in agriculture - wus programme 60 English 14.05.2010. 28.05.2010. 14.05.2015.
МА Faculty of Agriculture Fruit science and viticulture 60 Serbian 18.12.2008. 18.12.2008. 18.12.2013.
МА Faculty of Agriculture Horticulture 60 Serbian 18.12.2008. 18.12.2008. 18.12.2013.
МА Faculty of Agriculture Soil management 60 Serbian 18.12.2008. 18.12.2008. 18.12.2013.
МА Faculty of Agriculture Zootechnics 60 Serbian 18.12.2008. 18.12.2008. 18.12.2013.
МА Faculty of Agriculture 60 Serbian 08.04.2020. 08.04.2020. 08.04.2027.
123 СА Faculty of Agriculture Zootechnics 60 Serbian 18.12.2008. 25.03.2020. 25.03.2027.
124 СА Faculty of Agriculture Food Technology 60 Serbian 18.12.2008. 19.06.2020. 19.06.2027.
125 СА Faculty of Agriculture Management in Agribusiness and Trade 60 Serbian 29.03.2013. 29.03.2013. 29.03.2020.
126 ДА Faculty of Agriculture Agroeconomics and Rural Development 180 Serbian 29.03.2013. 14.07.2020. 14.07.2027.
127 ДА Faculty of Agriculture Agricultural Sciences 180 Serbian 05.06.2009. 08.04.2020. 08.04.2027.
128 ДА Faculty of Agriculture Food Technology 180 Serbian 18.12.2008. 31.07.2020. 31.07.2027.
ДА Faculty of Agriculture Agri-food Value Chain 180 English 10.12.2024. 10.12.2024. 10.12.2031.
ДА Faculty of Agriculture Agri-food Value Chain 180 Serbian 10.12.2024. 10.12.2024. 10.12.2031.
1 ОА Faculty of Architecture Architecture 180 Serbian 09.01.2009. 20.05.2021. 20.05.2028.
1 ОА Faculty of Architecture Architecture 180 English 06.03.2015. 06.03.2015. 04.04.2021.
2 ИА Faculty of Architecture Architecture 300 Serbian 20.06.2014. 20.05.2021. 20.05.2028.
ИА Faculty of Architecture Architecture 300 English 20.05.2021. 20.05.2021. 20.05.2028.
3 МА Faculty of Architecture Architecture 120 Serbian 09.01.2009. 20.05.2021. 20.05.2028.
3 МА Faculty of Architecture Architecture 120 English 17.04.2015. 20.05.2021. 20.05.2028.
4 МА Faculty of Architecture Integral Urbanism 120 Serbian 28.10.2011. 17.07.2023. 17.07.2030.
4 МА Faculty of Architecture Integral Urbanism 120 English 17.07.2023. 17.07.2023. 17.07.2030.
5 МА Faculty of Architecture Interior Architecture 120 Serbian 04.07.2014. 19.05.2021. 19.05.2028.
6 СА Faculty of Architecture ENERGY-EFFICIENT AND GREEN ARCHITECTURE 60 Serbian 31.08.2012. 23.07.2024. 23.07.2031.
7 СА Faculty of Architecture Design and Heritage 60 Serbian 09.04.2014. 09.04.2014. 09.04.2021.
8 СА Faculty of Architecture Urban Renewal - Cities in the Third Millennium 60 Serbian 09.01.2009. 23.05.2014. 23.05.2021.
СА Faculty of Architecture 60 Serbian 20.05.2021. 20.05.2021. 20.05.2028.
9 ДА Faculty of Architecture Architecture and Urbanism 180 Serbian 11.09.2009. 20.05.2021. 20.05.2028.
9 ДА Faculty of Architecture Architecture and Urbanism 180 English 17.04.2015. 20.05.2021. 20.05.2028.
10 ОА Faculty of Biology Biology 240 Serbian 23.12.2011. 24.05.2023. 24.05.2030.
11 ОА Faculty of Biology Biology 180 Serbian 10.07.2009. 10.07.2009. 10.07.2014.
ОА Faculty of Biology 240 Serbian 24.05.2023. 24.05.2023. 24.05.2030.
ОА Faculty of Biology 240 Serbian 24.05.2023. 24.05.2023. 24.05.2030.
12 МА Faculty of Biology Biology 120 Serbian 10.07.2009. 10.07.2009. 10.07.2014.
13 МА Faculty of Biology Biology 60 Serbian 23.12.2011. 24.05.2023. 24.05.2030.
14 МА Faculty of Biology Ecology 120 Serbian 15.05.2009. 15.05.2009. 15.05.2014.
15 МА Faculty of Biology Ecology 60 Serbian 23.12.2011. 08.07.2016. 08.07.2023.
16 МА Faculty of Biology Molecular biology and physiology 120 Serbian 15.05.2009. 15.05.2009. 15.05.2014.
17 МА Faculty of Biology Molecular Biology and Physiology 60 Serbian 23.12.2011. 08.07.2016. 08.07.2023.
18 МА Faculty of Biology Professor of Biology 60 Serbian 06.04.2012. 24.05.2023. 24.05.2030.
19 МА Faculty of Biology Professor of Ecology and Environment Protection 60 Serbian 06.04.2012. 15.07.2016. 14.07.2023.
МА Faculty of Biology 60 Serbian 24.05.2023. 24.05.2023. 24.05.2030.
МА Faculty of Biology 60 Serbian 24.05.2023. 24.05.2023. 24.05.2030.
20 СА Faculty of Biology Genetics 60 Serbian 15.05.2009. 14.02.2014. 14.02.2021.
21 СА Faculty of Biology Immunology with Microbiology 60 Serbian 15.05.2009. 14.02.2014. 14.02.2021.
22 СА Faculty of Biology Microbiology 60 Serbian 14.02.2014. 14.02.2014. 14.02.2021.
СА Faculty of Biology Biology of microorganisms 60 Serbian 16.01.2009. 16.01.2009. 16.01.2014.
СА Faculty of Biology 60 Serbian 31.01.2019. 31.01.2019. 30.01.2026.
СА Faculty of Biology 60 Serbian 03.09.2020. 03.09.2020. 03.09.2027.
23 ДА Faculty of Biology Biology 180 Serbian 27.11.2008. 03.09.2020. 03.09.2027.
24 ДА Faculty of Biology Ecology 180 Serbian 27.11.2008. 03.09.2020. 03.09.2027.
25 ДА Faculty of Biology Molecular Biology 180 Serbian 19.06.2009. 03.09.2020. 03.09.2027.
ДА Faculty of Biology Biology 180 English 14.02.2014. 03.09.2020. 03.09.2027.
ДА Faculty of Biology Ecology 180 English 14.02.2014. 03.09.2020. 03.09.2027.
ДА Faculty of Biology Molecular Biology 180 English 14.02.2014. 03.09.2020. 03.09.2027.
358 ОА Faculty of Chemistry 240 Serbian 19.05.2008. 14.05.2010. 19.05.2013.
358 ОА Faculty of Chemistry Biochemistry 240 Serbian 08.11.2013. 23.10.2020. 23.10.2027.
359 ОА Faculty of Chemistry 240 Serbian 19.05.2008. 14.05.2010. 19.05.2013.
359 ОА Faculty of Chemistry Chemistry 240 Serbian 05.07.2013. 23.10.2020. 23.10.2027.
360 ОА Faculty of Chemistry 240 Serbian 19.05.2008. 14.05.2010. 19.05.2013.
360 ОА Faculty of Chemistry Environmental Chemistry 240 Serbian 08.11.2013. 23.10.2020. 23.10.2027.
361 ОА Faculty of Chemistry 240 Serbian 19.05.2008. 19.05.2008. 19.05.2013.
362 ИА Faculty of Chemistry Chemical Education 300 Serbian 27.06.2014. 23.10.2020. 23.10.2027.
363 МА Faculty of Chemistry Biochemistry 60 Serbian 19.05.2008. 23.10.2020. 23.10.2027.
364 МА Faculty of Chemistry Chemistry 60 Serbian 19.05.2008. 23.10.2020. 23.10.2027.
365 МА Faculty of Chemistry Environmental Chemistry 60 Serbian 08.11.2013. 23.10.2020. 23.10.2027.
366 ДА Faculty of Chemistry Biochemistry 180 Serbian 19.05.2008. 23.10.2020. 23.10.2027.
367 ДА Faculty of Chemistry Chemistry 180 Serbian 19.05.2008. 23.10.2020. 23.10.2027.
39 ОА Faculty of Civil Engineering Geodesy and Geoinformatics 180 Serbian 09.04.2014. 09.04.2014. 09.04.2021.
40 ОА Faculty of Civil Engineering Civil Engineering 240 Serbian 09.01.2009. 28.03.2014. 28.03.2021.
ОА Faculty of Civil Engineering 180 Serbian 09.01.2009. 19.03.2021. 19.03.2028.
ОА Faculty of Civil Engineering 180 Serbian 19.03.2021. 19.03.2021. 19.03.2028.
ОА Faculty of Civil Engineering 180 Serbian 19.03.2021. 19.03.2021. 19.03.2028.
41 МА Faculty of Civil Engineering Geodesy and Geoinformatics 120 Serbian 09.04.2014. 09.04.2014. 09.04.2021.
42 МА Faculty of Civil Engineering Civil Engineering 60 Serbian 09.01.2009. 29.10.2021. 23.07.2028.
МА Faculty of Civil Engineering Geodesy 120 Serbian 09.01.2009. 11.03.2021. 11.03.2028.
МА Faculty of Civil Engineering 120 Serbian 19.03.2021. 19.03.2021. 19.03.2028.
МА Faculty of Civil Engineering 120 Serbian 19.03.2021. 19.03.2021. 19.03.2028.
43 СА Faculty of Civil Engineering ЕDUCATE - Postgraduate programme in water resources and environmenal management 120 English 09.07.2010. 09.07.2010. 09.07.2015.
44 СА Faculty of Civil Engineering Energy Efficiency, Maintenance and Valuation of Construction Buildings 60 Serbian 28.03.2014. 11.03.2021. 11.03.2028.
СА Faculty of Civil Engineering 60 Serbian 13.10.2017. 13.10.2017. 12.10.2024.
45 ДА Faculty of Civil Engineering Geodesy and Geoinformatics 180 Serbian 09.01.2009. 11.03.2021. 11.03.2028.
46 ДА Faculty of Civil Engineering Civil Engineering 180 Serbian 09.01.2009. 11.03.2021. 11.03.2028.
ДА Faculty of Civil Engineering Civil Engineering 180 English 09.04.2014. 11.03.2021. 11.03.2028.
ДА Faculty of Civil Engineering Geodesy and Geoinformatics 180 English 11.03.2021. 11.03.2021. 11.03.2028.
51 ОА Faculty of Economics and Business Economics, Business Management and Statistics 240 Serbian 24.04.2009. 30.07.2020. 30.07.2027.
52 ОА Faculty of Economics and Business Economics, Business Management and Statistics 180 Serbian 13.06.2014. 30.07.2020. 30.07.2027.
ОА Faculty of Economics and Business Economics, Business Management and Statistics 240 English 22.05.2015. 22.05.2015. 13.06.2021.
53 МА Faculty of Economics and Business Banking and Financial Management 60 Serbian 24.04.2009. 14.11.2014. 14.11.2021.
54 МА Faculty of Economics and Business Energy Economics and Management 60 Serbian 16.09.2011. 11.04.2023. 11.04.2030.
55 МА Faculty of Economics and Business Economic Analysis and Policy 60 Serbian 24.04.2009. 30.07.2020. 30.07.2027.
56 МА Faculty of Economics and Business Economic Policy and Development 60 Serbian 24.04.2009. 04.07.2014. 04.07.2021.
57 МА Faculty of Economics and Business Quantitative Analysis 60 Serbian 24.04.2009. 30.07.2020. 30.07.2027.
58 МА Faculty of Economics and Business Quantitative Finance 60 English 29.05.2009. 14.11.2014. 14.11.2021.
59 МА Faculty of Economics and Business Macroeconomics in Transition Economies 60 Serbian 24.04.2009. 04.07.2014. 04.07.2021.
60 МА Faculty of Economics and Business International Economics Relations 60 Serbian 26.09.2014. 30.07.2020. 30.07.2027.
61 МА Faculty of Economics and Business Business Administration 60 Serbian 22.03.2013. 22.03.2013. 22.03.2020.
62 МА Faculty of Economics and Business Business economics and management 60 English 24.04.2009. 24.04.2009. 24.04.2014.
63 МА Faculty of Economics and Business Business Management 60 Serbian 24.04.2009. 30.07.2020. 30.07.2027.
64 МА Faculty of Economics and Business Accounting, Audit and Business Finance 60 Serbian 24.04.2009. 14.11.2014. 14.11.2021.
МА Faculty of Economics and Business 60 Serbian 11.04.2023. 11.04.2023. 11.04.2030.
МА Faculty of Economics and Business 60 Serbian 11.04.2023. 11.04.2023. 11.04.2030.
МА Faculty of Economics and Business Business Administration 60 English 22.03.2013. 22.03.2013. 22.03.2020.
МА Faculty of Economics and Business International economics 60 Serbian 24.04.2009. 24.04.2009. 24.04.2014.
МА Faculty of Economics and Business International Master in Applied Economics 60 English 30.07.2020. 30.07.2020. 30.07.2027.
МА Faculty of Economics and Business International Master in Business Informatics 60 English 30.07.2020. 30.07.2020. 30.07.2027.
МА Faculty of Economics and Business International Master in Business Informatics 120 English 30.07.2020. 30.07.2020. 30.07.2027.
МА Faculty of Economics and Business International Master in Quantitative Finance 60 English 30.07.2020. 30.07.2020. 30.07.2027.
МА Faculty of Economics and Business International Master in Taxation 60 English 30.07.2020. 30.07.2020. 30.07.2027.
МА Faculty of Economics and Business International Master in Taxation 120 English 30.07.2020. 30.07.2020. 30.07.2027.
МА Faculty of Economics and Business Macroeconomics in Transition Economies 60 French 24.04.2009. 04.07.2014. 04.07.2021.
МА Faculty of Economics and Business 60 Serbian 30.07.2020. 30.07.2020. 30.07.2027.
МА Faculty of Economics and Business 60 Serbian 30.07.2020. 30.07.2020. 30.07.2027.
МА Faculty of Economics and Business 60 Serbian 30.07.2020. 30.07.2020. 30.07.2027.
65 ДА Faculty of Economics and Business Economics 180 Serbian 24.04.2009. 24.10.2014. 24.10.2021.
66 ДА Faculty of Economics and Business Business Management 180 Serbian 24.04.2009. 20.02.2015. 20.02.2022.
67 ДА Faculty of Economics and Business Statistics 180 Serbian 24.04.2009. 31.10.2014. 31.10.2021.
ДА Faculty of Economics and Business 180 Serbian 30.07.2020. 30.07.2020. 30.07.2027.
217 ОА Faculty of Education Teacher Education 240 Serbian 06.02.2015. 14.10.2021. 14.10.2028.
218 ОА Faculty of Education Teacher Education 240 Serbian 06.02.2015. 18.10.2021. 18.10.2028.
385 ОА Faculty of Education Teacher Education 240 Serbian 12.06.2015. 13.12.2022. 13.12.2029.
386 ОА Faculty of Education Teacher Education - Novi Pazar 240 Serbian 31.05.2016. 22.06.2022. 18.10.2028.
ОА Faculty of Education 240 Serbian 18.01.2009. 18.01.2009. 18.01.2014.
ОА Faculty of Education 240 Serbian 06.11.2009. 06.11.2009. 06.11.2014.
ОА Faculty of Education 240 Serbian 22.06.2022. 22.06.2022. 14.10.2028.
219 МА Faculty of Education Education of Master in Pre-School Institutions 60 Serbian 06.03.2015. 14.10.2021. 14.10.2028.
220 МА Faculty of Education Education of Master Teacher 60 Serbian 06.03.2015. 19.10.2021. 19.10.2028.
МА Faculty of Education Master academic studies for preschool teacher education 60 Serbian 18.01.2009. 18.01.2009. 18.01.2014.
МА Faculty of Education Master academic studies for teacher education 60 Serbian 18.01.2009. 18.01.2009. 18.01.2014.
221 ДА Faculty of Education Primary Class Teaching Methodology 180 Serbian 29.09.2010. 10.05.2019. 20.02.2022.
ДА Faculty of Education 180 Serbian 08.11.2022. 08.11.2022. 08.11.2029.
368 ОА Faculty of Forestry Ecological Engineering for Soil and Water Resources Protections 240 Serbian 18.12.2008. 28.01.2021. 28.01.2028.
369 ОА Faculty of Forestry Landscape Architecture 240 Serbian 29.11.2013. 29.12.2020. 29.12.2027.
370 ОА Faculty of Forestry Technology, Management and Design of Furniture and Wood Products 240 Serbian 13.12.2013. 13.12.2013. 13.12.2020.
371 ОА Faculty of Forestry Forestry 240 Serbian 11.12.2008. 25.03.2021. 25.03.2028.
ОА Faculty of Forestry 240 Serbian 18.12.2008. 18.12.2008. 18.12.2013.
ОА Faculty of Forestry 240 Serbian 18.12.2008. 18.12.2008. 18.12.2013.
ОА Faculty of Forestry 240 Serbian 29.12.2020. 29.12.2020. 29.12.2027.
372 ОС Faculty of Forestry Technologies of Furniture and Wood Products 180 Serbian 13.12.2013. 13.12.2013. 13.12.2020.
ОС Faculty of Forestry 180 Serbian 29.12.2020. 29.12.2020. 29.12.2027.
373 МА Faculty of Forestry Ecological Engineering for Soil and Water Resources Protections 60 Serbian 13.12.2013. 28.01.2021. 28.01.2028.
374 МА Faculty of Forestry Landscape Architecture 60 Serbian 29.11.2013. 29.12.2020. 29.12.2027.
375 МА Faculty of Forestry Technology, Management and Design of Furniture and Wood Products 60 Serbian 13.12.2013. 13.12.2013. 13.12.2020.
376 МА Faculty of Forestry Forest Policy and Economics 120 English 11.07.2014. 11.07.2014. 11.07.2021.
377 МА Faculty of Forestry Forestry 60 Serbian 11.12.2008. 25.03.2021. 25.03.2028.
МА Faculty of Forestry Forestry and Natural Resources Management 120 English 14.05.2021. 14.05.2021. 14.05.2028.
МА Faculty of Forestry 60 Serbian 14.05.2021. 14.05.2021. 14.05.2028.
МА Faculty of Forestry 60 Serbian 29.12.2020. 29.12.2020. 29.12.2027.
378 СА Faculty of Forestry Timber and Wood Products Trade 60 Serbian 20.03.2009. 27.06.2014. 27.06.2021.
379 ДА Faculty of Forestry Forestry 180 Serbian 11.12.2008. 29.12.2020. 29.12.2027.
ДА Faculty of Forestry E 180 Serbian 29.12.2020. 29.12.2020. 29.12.2027.
ДА Faculty of Forestry 180 Serbian 29.12.2020. 29.12.2020. 29.12.2027.
ДА Faculty of Forestry 180 Serbian 29.12.2020. 29.12.2020. 29.12.2027.
26 ОА Faculty of Geography Geography 240 Serbian 03.04.2009. 26.10.2021. 26.10.2028.
27 ОА Faculty of Geography Geospatial and Environmental Science 240 Serbian 03.04.2009. 11.07.2014. 11.07.2021.
28 ОА Faculty of Geography Demography 240 Serbian 10.04.2009. 26.10.2021. 26.10.2028.
29 ОА Faculty of Geography Spatial Planning 240 Serbian 13.07.2012. 26.10.2021. 26.10.2028.
30 ОА Faculty of Geography 180 Serbian 10.04.2009. 10.04.2009. 10.04.2014.
31 ОА Faculty of Geography Tourism 240 Serbian 11.07.2014. 26.10.2021. 26.10.2028.
ОА Faculty of Geography 240 Serbian 10.04.2009. 10.04.2009. 10.04.2014.
ОА Faculty of Geography 240 Serbian 26.10.2021. 26.10.2021. 26.10.2028.
32 МА Faculty of Geography Geography 60 Serbian 03.04.2009. 26.10.2021. 26.10.2028.
33 МА Faculty of Geography Geospatial and Environmental Science 60 Serbian 03.04.2009. 11.07.2014. 11.07.2021.
34 МА Faculty of Geography Demography 60 Serbian 10.04.2009. 26.10.2021. 26.10.2028.
35 МА Faculty of Geography Urban planning 120 Serbian 10.04.2009. 10.04.2009. 10.04.2014.
36 МА Faculty of Geography Spatial Planning 60 Serbian 13.07.2012. 26.10.2021. 26.10.2028.
37 МА Faculty of Geography Tourism 60 Serbian 10.04.2009. 26.10.2021. 26.10.2028.
398 МА Faculty of Geography 60 Serbian 21.03.2019. 21.03.2019. 20.03.2026.
МА Faculty of Geography 60 Serbian 11.02.2025. 11.02.2025. 11.02.2032.
МА Faculty of Geography Geospatial Research for Sustainable Development 120 English 24.12.2024. 24.12.2024. 24.12.2031.
МА Faculty of Geography 60 Serbian 25.10.2021. 25.10.2021. 25.10.2028.
38 ДА Faculty of Geography Geosciences 180 Serbian 09.07.2010. 26.10.2021. 26.10.2028.
107 ОА Faculty of Law Law 240 Serbian 19.05.2008. 14.02.2020. 14.02.2027.
108 МА Faculty of Law Master in European Integrations 60 Serbian 11.07.2014. 11.07.2014. 11.07.2021.
109 МА Faculty of Law Master Academic Studies - Master in European Integrations 120 English 11.07.2014. 11.07.2014. 11.07.2021.
110 МА Faculty of Law Law 60 Serbian 19.05.2008. 14.02.2020. 14.02.2027.
МА Faculty of Law 60 English 10.12.2024. 10.12.2024. 10.12.2031.
МА Faculty of Law Law and Gender 60 English 28.11.2023. 28.11.2023. 28.11.2030.
МА Faculty of Law Master in european integration 60 English 04.09.2009. 04.09.2009. 04.09.2014.
МА Faculty of Law Master in european integration 60 Serbian 04.09.2009. 04.09.2009. 04.09.2014.
МА Faculty of Law Master in European Integrations 60 English 11.07.2014. 14.02.2020. 14.02.2027.
МА Faculty of Law Master in European Integrations 120 English 14.02.2020. 14.02.2020. 14.02.2027.
МА Faculty of Law Master in Public Procurement Management 60 English 14.07.2017. 14.07.2017. 13.07.2024.
111 ДА Faculty of Law Law 180 Serbian 19.05.2008. 14.02.2020. 14.02.2027.
87 ОА Faculty of Mathematics Astronomy and Astrophysics 240 Serbian 28.08.2009. 06.12.2022. 06.12.2029.
88 ОА Faculty of Mathematics Informatics 240 Serbian 12.06.2015. 03.09.2024. 03.09.2031.
89 ОА Faculty of Mathematics 180 Serbian 27.03.2009. 22.06.2012. 27.03.2014.
90 ОА Faculty of Mathematics Mathematics 240 Serbian 10.07.2009. 22.11.2022. 22.11.2029.
91 МА Faculty of Mathematics Astronomy and Astrophysics 60 Serbian 27.03.2009. 20.12.2022. 20.12.2029.
92 МА Faculty of Mathematics Informatics 120 Serbian 27.03.2009. 12.06.2015. 12.06.2022.
92 МА Faculty of Mathematics 60 Serbian 28.10.2019. 28.10.2019. 28.10.2026.
93 МА Faculty of Mathematics Mathematics 60 Serbian 15.01.2010. 22.11.2022. 22.11.2029.
МА Faculty of Mathematics Master in Astrophysics and Space Science 120 English 29.11.2022. 29.11.2022. 29.11.2029.
МА Faculty of Mathematics 90 Serbian 07.09.2021. 07.09.2021. 07.09.2028.
94 ДА Faculty of Mathematics Astronomy and Astrophysics 180 Serbian 27.03.2009. 27.12.2022. 27.12.2029.
95 ДА Faculty of Mathematics Informatics 180 Serbian 30.04.2010. 01.11.2022. 01.11.2029.
96 ДА Faculty of Mathematics Mathematics 180 Serbian 03.04.2009. 22.11.2022. 22.11.2029.
ДА Faculty of Mathematics Astronomy and Astrophysics 180 English 27.12.2022. 27.12.2022. 27.12.2029.
ДА Faculty of Mathematics Informatics 180 English 01.11.2022. 01.11.2022. 01.11.2029.
ДА Faculty of Mathematics Mathematics 180 English 22.11.2022. 22.11.2022. 22.11.2029.
97 ОА Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering 180 Serbian 19.05.2008. 17.10.2023. 17.10.2030.
ОА Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering 180 English 08.03.2013. 17.10.2023. 17.07.2030.
ОА Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 180 Serbian 16.04.2019. 16.04.2019. 16.04.2026.
98 МА Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering 120 Serbian 19.05.2008. 17.10.2023. 17.10.2030.
395 МА Faculty of Mechanical Engineering 120 Serbian 04.10.2019. 04.10.2019. 04.10.2026.
МА Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering 120 English 08.03.2013. 17.10.2023. 17.10.2030.
99 ДА Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering 180 Serbian 19.05.2008. 17.10.2023. 17.10.2030.
ДА Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering 180 English 08.03.2013. 17.10.2023. 17.10.2030.
129 ОА Faculty of Mining and Geology Geology 180 Serbian 18.08.2008. 14.06.2013. 14.06.2020.
130 ОА Faculty of Mining and Geology Geotechnics 240 Serbian 29.08.2008. 29.05.2019. 28.05.2026.
131 ОА Faculty of Mining and Geology Geophysics 240 Serbian 07.06.2013. 22.05.2019. 21.05.2026.
132 ОА Faculty of Mining and Geology 180 Serbian 29.08.2008. 29.08.2008. 29.08.2013.
133 ОА Faculty of Mining and Geology Environmental Engineering 240 Serbian 14.06.2013. 29.05.2019. 28.05.2026.
134 ОА Faculty of Mining and Geology Petroleum Engineering 240 Serbian 29.08.2008. 15.01.2020. 14.01.2027.
135 ОА Faculty of Mining and Geology Mining Engineering 240 Serbian 29.08.2008. 22.01.2019. 21.01.2026.
136 ОА Faculty of Mining and Geology Hydrogeology 240 Serbian 29.08.2008. 29.05.2019. 28.05.2026.
389 ОА Faculty of Mining and Geology 240 Serbian 24.05.2019. 24.05.2019. 24.05.2026.
391 ОА Faculty of Mining and Geology 240 Serbian 29.05.2019. 29.05.2019. 28.05.2026.
ОА Faculty of Mining and Geology 240 Serbian 29.08.2008. 29.08.2008. 29.08.2013.
ОА Faculty of Mining and Geology 240 Serbian 29.08.2008. 29.08.2008. 29.08.2013.
ОА Faculty of Mining and Geology 240 Serbian 29.03.2019. 29.03.2019. 29.03.2026.
137 МА Faculty of Mining and Geology Geology 120 Serbian 18.08.2008. 14.06.2013. 14.06.2020.
138 МА Faculty of Mining and Geology Geotechnics 60 Serbian 29.08.2008. 29.05.2019. 28.05.2026.
139 МА Faculty of Mining and Geology Geophysics 120 Serbian 29.08.2008. 29.08.2008. 29.08.2013.
140 МА Faculty of Mining and Geology Geophysics 60 Serbian 07.06.2013. 22.05.2019. 21.05.2026.
141 МА Faculty of Mining and Geology Environmental Engineering 60 Serbian 14.06.2013. 29.05.2019. 28.05.2026.
142 МА Faculty of Mining and Geology Petroleum Engineering 60 Serbian 29.08.2008. 15.01.2020. 14.01.2027.
143 МА Faculty of Mining and Geology Mining Engineering 60 Serbian 29.08.2008. 22.01.2019. 22.01.2026.
144 МА Faculty of Mining and Geology Hydrogeology 60 Serbian 29.08.2008. 29.05.2019. 28.05.2026.
390 МА Faculty of Mining and Geology 60 Serbian 24.05.2019. 24.05.2019. 23.05.2026.
392 МА Faculty of Mining and Geology 60 Serbian 29.05.2019. 29.05.2019. 28.05.2026.
393 МА Faculty of Mining and Geology 60 Serbian 29.03.2019. 29.03.2019. 28.03.2026.
МА Faculty of Mining and Geology Environmental and safety engineering 60 Serbian 29.08.2008. 29.08.2008. 29.08.2013.
МА Faculty of Mining and Geology Environmental and safety engineering 60 Serbian 29.08.2008. 29.08.2008. 29.08.2013.
МА Faculty of Mining and Geology Petroleum Engineering 60 English 14.06.2013. 15.01.2020. 14.01.2027.
145 ДА Faculty of Mining and Geology Geology 180 Serbian 18.08.2008. 14.01.2020. 13.01.2027.
146 ДА Faculty of Mining and Geology Geotechnics 180 Serbian 11.10.2013. 21.10.2020. 21.10.2027.
147 ДА Faculty of Mining and Geology Geophysics 180 Serbian 29.08.2008. 29.08.2008. 29.08.2013.
148 ДА Faculty of Mining and Geology Mining Engineering 180 Serbian 29.08.2008. 22.01.2019. 22.01.2026.
149 ДА Faculty of Mining and Geology Hydrogeology 180 Serbian 29.08.2008. 15.01.2020. 14.01.2027.
287 ОА Faculty of Organizational Sciences Information Systems and Technologies 240 Serbian 09.01.2009. 25.08.2017. 24.08.2024.
288 ОА Faculty of Organizational Sciences Information Systems and Technologies 240 Serbian 09.07.2010. 24.10.2014. 30.05.2021.
289 ОА Faculty of Organizational Sciences Management and Organization 240 Serbian 09.01.2009. 06.07.2022. 05.04.2029.
ОА Faculty of Organizational Sciences Information Systems and Technologies 240 Serbian 18.03.2022. 06.07.2022. 18.03.2029.
ОА Faculty of Organizational Sciences Information Systems and Technologies 240 English 23.01.2015. 23.01.2015. 09.05.2021.
ОА Faculty of Organizational Sciences Management and Organization 240 English 23.01.2015. 23.01.2015. 09.04.2021.
290 МА Faculty of Organizational Sciences E-Business and System Management 60 Serbian 09.01.2009. 23.01.2015. 28.03.2021.
291 МА Faculty of Organizational Sciences Engineering and operations management 60 Serbian 09.01.2009. 09.01.2009. 09.01.2014.
292 МА Faculty of Organizational Sciences Information Systems and Technologies 60 Serbian 09.01.2009. 23.01.2015. 09.05.2021.
293 МА Faculty of Organizational Sciences International Business and Management 90 English 22.10.2010. 05.09.2023. 05.09.2030.
294 МА Faculty of Organizational Sciences Management 60 Serbian 15.05.2009. 23.01.2015. 13.06.2021.
295 МА Faculty of Organizational Sciences Management and Organization 60 Serbian 09.01.2009. 23.01.2015. 13.06.2021.
296 МА Faculty of Organizational Sciences Management in Public Sector 60 Serbian 13.06.2014. 23.01.2015. 13.06.2021.
297 МА Faculty of Organizational Sciences 120 Serbian 09.03.2012. 09.03.2012. 09.03.2017.
298 МА Faculty of Organizational Sciences 60 Serbian 09.03.2012. 09.03.2012. 09.03.2017.
299 МА Faculty of Organizational Sciences Operations research and computational statistics (orcs) 60 Serbian 09.01.2009. 09.07.2010. 09.01.2014.
300 МА Faculty of Organizational Sciences Business Analytics 60 Serbian 09.05.2014. 10.02.2022. 10.02.2029.
301 МА Faculty of Organizational Sciences Software Engineering and Computer Science 60 Serbian 09.01.2009. 23.01.2015. 04.07.2021.
302 МА Faculty of Organizational Sciences Quality management 60 Serbian 09.01.2009. 09.01.2009. 09.01.2014.
303 МА Faculty of Organizational Sciences Business Administration 90 Serbian 09.05.2014. 23.01.2015. 09.05.2021.
МА Faculty of Organizational Sciences 60 English 21.01.2025. 21.01.2025. 21.01.2032.
МА Faculty of Organizational Sciences 60 Serbian 18.07.2022. 18.07.2022. 18.07.2029.
МА Faculty of Organizational Sciences 60 Serbian 16.05.2022. 16.05.2022. 16.05.2029.
МА Faculty of Organizational Sciences 60 Serbian 13.07.2022. 13.07.2022. 13.07.2029.
МА Faculty of Organizational Sciences 60 Serbian 16.05.2022. 16.05.2022. 16.05.2029.
МА Faculty of Organizational Sciences 60 Serbian 27.07.2022. 27.07.2022. 27.07.2029.
МА Faculty of Organizational Sciences 60 Serbian 27.07.2022. 27.07.2022. 27.07.2029.
МА Faculty of Organizational Sciences Business Administration 90 English 23.01.2015. 23.01.2015. 09.05.2021.
МА Faculty of Organizational Sciences Business Analytics 60 English 23.01.2015. 23.01.2015. 09.05.2021.
МА Faculty of Organizational Sciences E-Business and System Management 60 English 23.01.2015. 23.01.2015. 28.03.2021.
МА Faculty of Organizational Sciences Information Systems and Technologies 60 English 23.01.2015. 23.01.2015. 09.05.2021.
МА Faculty of Organizational Sciences Management 60 English 23.01.2015. 23.01.2015. 13.06.2021.
МА Faculty of Organizational Sciences Management and Organization 60 English 23.01.2015. 23.01.2015. 13.06.2021.
МА Faculty of Organizational Sciences Management in Public Sector 60 English 23.01.2015. 23.01.2015. 13.06.2021.
МА Faculty of Organizational Sciences Operations research and computational statistics (orcs) 60 English 09.01.2009. 09.07.2010. 09.01.2014.
МА Faculty of Organizational Sciences Software Engineering and Computer Science 60 English 23.01.2015. 23.01.2015. 04.07.2021.
МА Faculty of Organizational Sciences 60 Serbian 19.01.2018. 21.01.2025. 21.01.2032.
МА Faculty of Organizational Sciences 60 Serbian 10.02.2022. 10.02.2022. 10.02.2029.
МА Faculty of Organizational Sciences 60 Serbian 13.04.2022. 13.04.2022. 13.04.2029.
МА Faculty of Organizational Sciences 60 Serbian 10.02.2022. 10.02.2022. 10.02.2029.
МА Faculty of Organizational Sciences 60 Serbian 10.02.2022. 10.02.2022. 10.02.2029.
МА Faculty of Organizational Sciences 60 Serbian 10.02.2022. 10.02.2022. 10.02.2029.
304 СА Faculty of Organizational Sciences Management 60 Serbian 28.08.2009. 28.08.2009. 28.08.2014.
305 СА Faculty of Organizational Sciences Management and Information Systems 60 Serbian 04.07.2014. 23.01.2015. 04.07.2021.
306 СА Faculty of Organizational Sciences Specialist of engineering in organizational sciences 60 Serbian 09.01.2009. 09.01.2009. 09.01.2014.
СА Faculty of Organizational Sciences 60 Serbian 06.07.2022. 06.07.2022. 06.07.2029.
СА Faculty of Organizational Sciences Serbian 06.05.2011. 06.05.2011. 06.05.2016.
СА Faculty of Organizational Sciences Management and Information Systems 60 English 23.01.2015. 23.01.2015. 04.07.2021.
СА Faculty of Organizational Sciences 60 Serbian 14.02.2022. 14.02.2022. 14.02.2029.
СА Faculty of Organizational Sciences 60 Serbian 28.03.2022. 28.03.2022. 28.03.2029.
309 ДА Faculty of Organizational Sciences Information Systems and Management 180 Serbian 04.07.2014. 23.01.2015. 04.07.2021.
310 ДА Faculty of Organizational Sciences Information systems and management 180 Serbian 09.01.2009. 08.11.2013. 09.01.2014.
311 ДА Faculty of Organizational Sciences Management 180 Serbian 09.04.2014. 23.01.2015. 09.04.2021.
312 ДА Faculty of Organizational Sciences Management of Health Information Systems 180 Serbian 23.01.2015. 23.01.2015. 23.01.2022.
ДА Faculty of Organizational Sciences 180 Serbian 10.06.2022. 10.06.2022. 10.06.2029.
ДА Faculty of Organizational Sciences 180 Serbian 06.07.2022. 06.07.2022. 06.07.2029.
ДА Faculty of Organizational Sciences 180 Serbian 06.07.2022. 06.07.2022. 06.07.2029.
ДА Faculty of Organizational Sciences 180 Serbian 06.07.2022. 06.07.2022. 06.07.2029.
ДА Faculty of Organizational Sciences Information Systems and Management 180 English 23.01.2015. 23.01.2015. 04.07.2021.
ДА Faculty of Organizational Sciences Management 180 English 23.01.2015. 23.01.2015. 09.04.2021.
100 ОА Faculty of Orthodox Theology Theology and Catechetic Program 240 Serbian 20.06.2014. 16.07.2021. 16.07.2028.
101 ОА Faculty of Orthodox Theology Theology and Pastoral Program 240 Serbian 20.06.2014. 16.07.2021. 16.07.2028.
102 ОА Faculty of Orthodox Theology Practical Theology 180 Serbian 20.03.2009. 21.07.2017. 20.07.2024.
ОА Faculty of Orthodox Theology 240 Serbian 20.03.2009. 20.03.2009. 20.03.2014.
103 МА Faculty of Orthodox Theology Practical Theology 120 Serbian 20.03.2009. 21.07.2017. 21.07.2024.
104 МА Faculty of Orthodox Theology Religious Studies Program 60 Serbian 20.02.2015. 06.09.2022. 18.11.2028.
105 МА Faculty of Orthodox Theology Theology Program 60 Serbian 20.02.2015. 06.09.2022. 04.11.2028.
МА Faculty of Orthodox Theology Master academic studies of general theology 60 Serbian 20.03.2009. 20.03.2009. 20.03.2014.
106 ДА Faculty of Orthodox Theology Theology 180 Serbian 20.03.2009. 18.11.2021. 18.11.2028.
340 ИА Faculty of Pharmacy Pharmacy 300 Serbian 07.06.2013. 15.07.2019. 15.07.2026.
341 ИА Faculty of Pharmacy Pharmacy - Medical Biochemistry 300 Serbian 24.05.2013. 04.07.2019. 04.07.2026.
384 ИА Faculty of Pharmacy Pharmacy 300 English 07.06.2013. 15.07.2019. 15.07.2026.
ИА Faculty of Pharmacy Pharmacy 300 Serbian 18.08.2008. 18.08.2008. 18.08.2013.
ИА Faculty of Pharmacy Pharmacy-medical biochemistry 300 Serbian 18.08.2008. 18.08.2008. 18.08.2013.
МА Faculty of Pharmacy 60 Serbian 31.01.2023. 31.01.2023. 31.01.2030.
342 СА Faculty of Pharmacy Biological Drugs 60 Serbian 06.04.2012. 16.07.2024. 16.07.2031.
343 СА Faculty of Pharmacy Biochemical Diagnostics 90 Serbian 06.04.2012. 16.06.2017. 16.06.2024.
344 СА Faculty of Pharmacy Industrial Pharmacy 60 Serbian 05.07.2013. 25.09.2020. 25.09.2027.
345 СА Faculty of Pharmacy Cosmetology 60 Serbian 07.06.2013. 16.06.2021. 25.09.2027.
346 СА Faculty of Pharmacy Toxicological Risk Assessment of Environmental Contaminants 60 Serbian 14.09.2012. 14.09.2012. 14.09.2017.
347 СА Faculty of Pharmacy Pharmacoeconomics and Pharmaceutical Legislation 60 Serbian 14.06.2013. 25.09.2020. 25.09.2027.
348 СА Faculty of Pharmacy Pharmacotherapy in Pharmaceutical Practice 90 Serbian 06.04.2012. 16.07.2024. 16.07.2031.
349 СА Faculty of Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Care 90 Serbian 07.06.2013. 20.10.2020. 20.10.2027.
350 СА Faculty of Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing 60 Serbian 05.07.2013. 25.09.2020. 25.09.2027.
351 СА Faculty of Pharmacy 60 Serbian 24.10.2008. 24.10.2008. 24.10.2013.
352 СА Faculty of Pharmacy 90 Serbian 24.10.2008. 05.11.2010. 24.10.2013.
353 СА Faculty of Pharmacy 120 Serbian 16.09.2011. 16.09.2011. 16.09.2016.
СА Faculty of Pharmacy Biochemical Diagnostics 60 Serbian 16.07.2024. 16.07.2024. 16.07.2031.
СА Faculty of Pharmacy Cosmetology 60 English 27.06.2014. 16.06.2021. 25.09.2027.
СА Faculty of Pharmacy Industrial Pharmacy 60 English 27.06.2014. 27.06.2014. 05.07.2020.
СА Faculty of Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Care 90 English 27.06.2014. 20.10.2020. 20.10.2027.
СА Faculty of Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Management and Marketing 60 English 27.06.2014. 25.09.2020. 25.09.2027.
СА Faculty of Pharmacy Pharmacy 3 120 English 27.06.2014. 27.06.2014. 16.09.2016.
СА Faculty of Pharmacy Release of Medicinal Products on the Market 120 Serbian 13.05.2016. 04.07.2023. 04.07.2030.
СА Faculty of Pharmacy Toxicological Risk Assessment 60 English 16.07.2024. 16.07.2024. 16.07.2031.
СА Faculty of Pharmacy Toxicological risk assessment for environmental pollutants 60 English 27.06.2014. 27.06.2014. 14.09.2017.
СА Faculty of Pharmacy 60 Serbian 25.08.2017. 16.07.2024. 16.07.2031.
354 ДА Faculty of Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Sciences 180 Serbian 18.08.2008. 20.10.2020. 20.10.2027.
ДА Faculty of Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Sciences 180 English 03.06.2014. 20.10.2020. 20.10.2027.
274 ОА Faculty of Philology Language, Literature, Culture 240 Serbian 07.05.2009. 17.04.2015. 17.04.2022.
275 ОА Faculty of Philology Serbian Literature and Language 240 Serbian 29.05.2009. 25.10.2022. 25.10.2029.
276 ОА Faculty of Philology Serbian Literature with Comparative Language 240 Serbian 29.05.2009. 25.10.2022. 25.10.2029.
277 ОА Faculty of Philology Serbian Language and Literature 240 Serbian 29.05.2009. 29.11.2022. 29.11.2029.
ОА Faculty of Philology 240 Serbian 08.11.2022. 08.11.2022. 08.11.2029.
279 МА Faculty of Philology Language, Literature, Culture 60 Serbian 07.05.2010. 26.02.2016. 26.02.2023.
280 МА Faculty of Philology Languages, business and international trade 120 English 14.10.2011. 14.10.2011. 14.10.2016.
281 МА Faculty of Philology Conference, Professional and Audiovisual Translation 120 Serbian 06.03.2015. 06.03.2015. 06.03.2022.
282 МА Faculty of Philology Cultures in Dialogue 60 Serbian 17.04.2015. 17.04.2015. 17.04.2022.
283 МА Faculty of Philology Serbian Literature 60 Serbian 22.01.2010. 26.07.2022. 26.07.2029.
284 МА Faculty of Philology Serbian Language 60 Serbian 22.01.2010. 01.11.2022. 01.11.2029.
285 МА Faculty of Philology Serbian as a Foreign Language 60 Serbian 08.05.2015. 08.05.2015. 08.05.2022.
МА Faculty of Philology 60 Serbian 01.11.2022. 01.11.2022. 01.11.2029.
МА Faculty of Philology 60 Serbian 13.09.2022. 13.09.2022. 13.09.2029.
МА Faculty of Philology 60 Serbian 15.11.2022. 15.11.2022. 15.11.2029.
МА Faculty of Philology 120 Serbian 24.05.2023. 24.05.2023. 24.05.2030.
МА Faculty of Philology Cultures in Dialogue 60 English 17.04.2015. 17.04.2015. 17.04.2020.
МА Faculty of Philology Languages, business and international trade 120 French 14.10.2011. 14.10.2011. 14.10.2016.
МА Faculty of Philology 60 Serbian 10.06.2011. 10.06.2011. 10.06.2016.
286 ДА Faculty of Philology Language, Literature, Culture 180 Serbian 02.07.2010. 06.12.2022. 06.12.2029.
229 ОА Faculty of Philosophy Andragogy 240 Serbian 08.05.2009. 05.10.2021. 05.10.2028.
230 ОА Faculty of Philosophy Archeology 240 Serbian 23.04.2009. 24.11.2021. 24.11.2028.
231 ОА Faculty of Philosophy Ethnology and Anthropology 240 Serbian 23.04.2009. 27.07.2021. 27.07.2028.
232 ОА Faculty of Philosophy History 240 Serbian 23.04.2009. 01.12.2021. 01.12.2028.
233 ОА Faculty of Philosophy History of Art 240 Serbian 23.04.2009. 13.12.2021. 13.12.2028.
234 ОА Faculty of Philosophy Classics 240 Serbian 23.04.2009. 16.11.2021. 16.11.2028.
235 ОА Faculty of Philosophy Pedagogy 240 Serbian 08.05.2009. 10.09.2021. 10.09.2028.
236 ОА Faculty of Philosophy Psychology 240 Serbian 23.04.2009. 13.12.2021. 13.12.2028.
237 ОА Faculty of Philosophy Sociology 240 Serbian 23.04.2009. 07.09.2021. 07.09.2028.
238 ОА Faculty of Philosophy Philosophy 240 Serbian 23.04.2009. 05.10.2021. 05.10.2028.
239 МА Faculty of Philosophy Andragogy 60 Serbian 08.05.2009. 05.10.2021. 05.10.2028.
240 МА Faculty of Philosophy Archeology 60 Serbian 23.04.2009. 24.11.2021. 24.11.2028.
241 МА Faculty of Philosophy Ethnology and Anthropology 60 Serbian 23.04.2009. 29.10.2021. 29.10.2028.
242 МА Faculty of Philosophy History 60 Serbian 23.04.2009. 07.09.2021. 07.09.2028.
243 МА Faculty of Philosophy History of Art 60 Serbian 23.04.2009. 18.11.2021. 18.11.2028.
244 МА Faculty of Philosophy Classics 60 Serbian 23.04.2009. 16.11.2021. 16.11.2028.
245 МА Faculty of Philosophy History - Society, State, Transition 60 English 19.07.2021. 19.07.2021. 19.07.2028.
245 МА Faculty of Philosophy History - Society, State, Transition 60 Serbian 19.07.2021. 19.07.2021. 19.07.2028.
245 МА Faculty of Philosophy Masters in History - Society, State, Transition 60 Serbian 04.07.2014. 04.07.2014. 04.07.2021.
247 МА Faculty of Philosophy Education of Subject Teachers 60 Serbian 13.09.2013. 28.12.2020. 28.12.2027.
248 МА Faculty of Philosophy Pedagogy 60 Serbian 08.05.2009. 10.09.2021. 10.09.2028.
249 МА Faculty of Philosophy Psychology 60 Serbian 23.04.2009. 13.12.2021. 13.12.2028.
250 МА Faculty of Philosophy Sociology 60 Serbian 23.04.2009. 07.09.2021. 07.09.2028.
251 МА Faculty of Philosophy Philosophy 60 Serbian 23.04.2009. 05.10.2021. 05.10.2028.
441 МА Faculty of Philosophy 60 Serbian 02.04.2024. 02.04.2024. 02.04.2031.
МА Faculty of Philosophy Masters in History - Russian Studies Serbian 04.07.2014. 04.07.2014. 04.07.2021.
МА Faculty of Philosophy Masters in History - Society, State, Transition 60 English 04.07.2014. 04.07.2014. 04.07.2021.
252 ДА Faculty of Philosophy Andragogy 180 Serbian 08.05.2009. 15.10.2021. 15.10.2028.
253 ДА Faculty of Philosophy Archeology 180 Serbian 23.04.2009. 01.12.2021. 01.12.2028.
254 ДА Faculty of Philosophy Ethnology and Anthropology 180 Serbian 23.04.2009. 29.10.2021. 29.10.2028.
255 ДА Faculty of Philosophy History 180 Serbian 23.04.2009. 06.09.2021. 06.09.2028.
256 ДА Faculty of Philosophy History of Art 180 Serbian 23.04.2009. 15.10.2021. 15.10.2028.
257 ДА Faculty of Philosophy Classics 180 Serbian 03.04.2015. 17.11.2021. 17.11.2028.
258 ДА Faculty of Philosophy Pedagogy 180 Serbian 08.05.2009. 10.09.2021. 10.09.2028.
259 ДА Faculty of Philosophy Psychology 180 Serbian 23.04.2009. 14.12.2021. 14.12.2028.
260 ДА Faculty of Philosophy Sociology 180 Serbian 23.04.2009. 07.09.2021. 07.09.2028.
261 ДА Faculty of Philosophy Philosophy 180 Serbian 23.04.2009. 16.11.2021. 16.11.2028.
262 ОА Faculty of Physics Meteorology 240 Serbian 31.01.2009. 19.05.2022. 19.05.2029.
263 ОА Faculty of Physics General Physics 240 Serbian 20.02.2015. 05.05.2022. 05.05.2029.
264 ОА Faculty of Physics General Physics 180 Serbian 19.02.2010. 24.06.2016. 24.06.2023.
265 ОА Faculty of Physics Computer and Applied Physics 240 Serbian 16.10.2009. 19.05.2022. 19.05.2029.
266 ОА Faculty of Physics Theoretical and Experimental Physics 240 Serbian 16.10.2009. 19.05.2022. 19.05.2029.
267 МА Faculty of Physics Meteorology 60 Serbian 31.01.2009. 05.05.2022. 05.05.2029.
268 МА Faculty of Physics General Physics 120 Serbian 23.12.2011. 24.06.2016. 24.06.2023.
269 МА Faculty of Physics General Physics 60 Serbian 20.02.2015. 05.05.2022. 05.05.2029.
270 МА Faculty of Physics Computer and Applied Physics 60 Serbian 16.01.2009. 19.05.2022. 19.05.2029.
271 МА Faculty of Physics Theoretical and Experimental Physics 60 Serbian 28.11.2008. 19.05.2022. 19.05.2029.
272 ДА Faculty of Physics Meteorology 180 Serbian 31.01.2009. 05.05.2022. 05.05.2029.
273 ДА Faculty of Physics Physics 180 Serbian 31.01.2009. 05.05.2022. 05.05.2029.
ДА Faculty of Physics Meteorology 180 English 17.04.2015. 05.05.2022. 05.05.2029.
ДА Faculty of Physics Physics 180 English 17.04.2015. 05.05.2022. 05.05.2029.
313 ОА Faculty of Political Sciences International Studies 240 Serbian 03.04.2015. 11.02.2022. 11.02.2029.
314 ОА Faculty of Political Sciences Journalism 240 Serbian 25.04.2009. 07.04.2022. 07.04.2029.
315 ОА Faculty of Political Sciences Political Science 240 Serbian 16.01.2009. 09.03.2022. 09.03.2029.
316 ОА Faculty of Political Sciences Social Politics and Social Work 240 Serbian 16.01.2009. 30.03.2022. 30.03.2029.
ОА Faculty of Political Sciences 240 Serbian 16.01.2009. 16.01.2009. 16.01.2014.
396 СС Faculty of Political Sciences 60 Serbian 05.06.2019. 05.06.2019. 05.06.2026.
317 МА Faculty of Political Sciences Communication Studies 60 Serbian 25.04.2009. 30.03.2022. 30.03.2029.
318 МА Faculty of Political Sciences Cultural Studies 60 Serbian 25.04.2009. 24.03.2022. 24.03.2029.
319 МА Faculty of Political Sciences Journalism 60 Serbian 25.04.2009. 07.04.2022. 07.09.2029.
320 МА Faculty of Political Sciences Political Science - Democracy and Democratization 60 Serbian 03.04.2015. 03.04.2015. 03.04.2022.
321 МА Faculty of Political Sciences Political Science - Environmental Policy 60 Serbian 03.04.2015. 03.04.2015. 03.04.2022.
322 МА Faculty of Political Sciences Political Science - Elections and Election Campaigns 60 Serbian 29.05.2015. 29.05.2015. 29.05.2022.
323 МА Faculty of Political Sciences Political Science - Public Administration, Local Self-Governance and Public Policy 60 Serbian 08.05.2015. 08.05.2015. 08.05.2022.
324 МА Faculty of Political Sciences Political science - master in political studies 60 Serbian 25.04.2009. 25.04.2009. 25.04.2014.
325 МА Faculty of Political Sciences 60 Serbian 25.04.2009. 25.04.2009. 25.04.2014.
326 МА Faculty of Political Sciences Political Science - International Studies 60 Serbian 03.04.2015. 03.04.2015. 03.04.2022.
327 МА Faculty of Political Sciences Political Science - Political Religious Studies 60 Serbian 20.02.2015. 20.02.2015. 20.02.2022.
328 МА Faculty of Political Sciences Political Science - Political Analytics and Social Changes 60 Serbian 23.10.2015. 23.10.2015. 23.10.2022.
329 МА Faculty of Political Sciences Political Science - Political System and Economic Development 60 Serbian 08.05.2015. 08.05.2015. 08.05.2022.
331 МА Faculty of Political Sciences Political Science - Regional Master’s Program in Peace Studies 60 Serbian 04.07.2014. 04.07.2014. 04.07.2021.
333 МА Faculty of Political Sciences 60 Serbian 24.02.2012. 24.02.2012. 24.02.2017.
334 МА Faculty of Political Sciences Social Politics 60 Serbian 26.11.2010. 19.04.2022. 19.04.2029.
335 МА Faculty of Political Sciences Social Work 60 Serbian 26.11.2010. 27.04.2022. 27.04.2029.
МА Faculty of Political Sciences 60 Serbian 23.12.2011. 23.12.2011. 23.12.2016.
МА Faculty of Political Sciences 120 Serbian 24.02.2012. 24.02.2012. 24.02.2017.
МА Faculty of Political Sciences 60 Serbian 14.02.2022. 14.02.2022. 14.02.2029.
МА Faculty of Political Sciences Interdisciplinary joint master’s programme in South-Eastern European studies 120 English 24.02.2012. 24.02.2012. 24.02.2017.
МА Faculty of Political Sciences Interdisciplinary Joint Master's Programme in Southeastern European Studies 120 English 08.11.2022. 08.11.2022. 08.11.2029.
МА Faculty of Political Sciences Peace, Security and Development 60 English 10.03.2022. 10.03.2022. 10.03.2029.
МА Faculty of Political Sciences Political Science - Gender Studies 60 Serbian 20.02.2015. 20.02.2015. 20.02.2022.
МА Faculty of Political Sciences Political Science - Interdisciplinary Joint Master's Programme in Southeastern European Studies 120 English 03.04.2015. 03.04.2015. 03.04.2022.
МА Faculty of Political Sciences Political science - master of international studies 60 Serbian 25.04.2009. 09.04.2014. 25.04.2014.
МА Faculty of Political Sciences Political science - master of regional studies 60 Serbian 26.11.2010. 26.11.2010. 26.11.2015.
МА Faculty of Political Sciences Political Science - Political Violence and State 60 Serbian 29.05.2015. 29.05.2015. 29.05.2022.
МА Faculty of Political Sciences Political Science - Regional Master’s Program in Peace Studies 60 English 04.07.2014. 04.07.2014. 04.07.2021.
МА Faculty of Political Sciences 60 Serbian 11.02.2022. 11.02.2022. 11.02.2029.
МА Faculty of Political Sciences 60 Serbian 10.02.2022. 10.02.2022. 10.02.2029.
МА Faculty of Political Sciences 60 Serbian 10.03.2022. 10.03.2022. 10.03.2029.
МА Faculty of Political Sciences 60 Serbian 14.02.2022. 14.02.2022. 14.02.2029.
МА Faculty of Political Sciences 60 Serbian 23.12.2011. 23.12.2011. 23.12.2016.
МА Faculty of Political Sciences 60 Serbian 10.03.2022. 10.03.2022. 10.03.2029.
МА Faculty of Political Sciences 60 Serbian 10.03.2022. 10.03.2022. 10.03.2029.
МА Faculty of Political Sciences 60 Serbian 30.03.2022. 30.03.2022. 30.03.2029.
МА Faculty of Political Sciences 60 Serbian 08.02.2022. 08.02.2022. 08.02.2029.
МА Faculty of Political Sciences 60 Serbian 27.04.2022. 27.04.2022. 27.04.2029.
СА Faculty of Political Sciences 120 Serbian 04.10.2019. 04.10.2019. 04.10.2026.
336 ДА Faculty of Political Sciences Cultural Studies - Cultural and Media Studies 180 Serbian 25.04.2009. 08.05.2015. 08.05.2022.
337 ДА Faculty of Political Sciences Political Science 180 Serbian 25.04.2009. 16.03.2022. 16.03.2029.
338 ДА Faculty of Political Sciences Political Science - International and European Studies 180 Serbian 25.04.2009. 29.05.2015. 29.05.2022.
339 ДА Faculty of Political Sciences Political Science - Social Policy and Social Work 180 Serbian 25.04.2009. 08.05.2015. 08.05.2022.
ДА Faculty of Political Sciences 180 Serbian 12.04.2022. 12.04.2022. 12.04.2029.
ДА Faculty of Political Sciences 180 Serbian 13.12.2022. 13.12.2022. 13.12.2029.
ДА Faculty of Political Sciences 180 Serbian 11.04.2022. 11.04.2022. 11.04.2029.
ДА Faculty of Political Sciences 180 Serbian 26.05.2022. 26.05.2022. 26.05.2029.
ДА Faculty of Political Sciences 180 Serbian 22.03.2022. 22.03.2022. 22.03.2029.
222 ОА Faculty of Security Security Studies 240 Serbian 08.05.2009. 12.12.2014. 12.12.2021.
ОА Faculty of Security Security Studies 240 Serbian 24.09.2021. 24.09.2021. 24.09.2028.
СС Faculty of Security 60 Serbian 04.12.2020. 04.12.2020. 04.12.2027.
223 МА Faculty of Security Security Studies 60 Serbian 08.05.2009. 12.12.2014. 12.12.2021.
МА Faculty of Security 60 Serbian 10.09.2024. 10.09.2024. 10.09.2031.
МА Faculty of Security Natural and Other Disasters Risk Management Studies 60 Serbian 19.05.2017. 19.05.2017. 19.05.2024.
МА Faculty of Security Security Studies 60 Serbian 07.09.2021. 07.09.2021. 07.09.2028.
225 ДА Faculty of Security Security Studies 180 Serbian 08.05.2009. 22.05.2015. 22.05.2022.
ДА Faculty of Security Security Studies 180 Serbian 06.09.2021. 06.09.2021. 06.09.2028.
166 ОА Faculty of Sports and Physical Education Physical Education and Sport 240 Serbian 22.05.2009. 31.10.2014. 31.10.2021.
ОА Faculty of Sports and Physical Education 180 Serbian 04.06.2021. 04.06.2021. 04.06.2028.
167 ОС Faculty of Sports and Physical Education Recreation 180 Serbian 22.05.2009. 20.02.2015. 20.02.2022.
168 ОС Faculty of Sports and Physical Education Sports 180 Serbian 22.05.2009. 20.02.2015. 20.02.2022.
ИА Faculty of Sports and Physical Education 300 Serbian 04.06.2021. 04.06.2021. 04.06.2028.
169 МА Faculty of Sports and Physical Education Physical Education and Sport 60 Serbian 22.05.2009. 04.06.2021. 04.06.2028.
170 ДА Faculty of Sports and Physical Education Experimental Methods of Human Locomotion Researches 180 Serbian 16.01.2009. 20.02.2015. 20.02.2022.
ДА Faculty of Sports and Physical Education Physical Education and Sport 180 English 22.12.2021. 22.12.2021. 22.12.2028.
ДА Faculty of Sports and Physical Education 180 Serbian 22.12.2021. 22.12.2021. 22.12.2028.
171 ОА Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology 240 Serbian 22.01.2009. 27.07.2021. 27.07.2028.
172 ОА Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy Environmental Engineering 240 Serbian 22.01.2009. 09.04.2014. 09.04.2021.
173 ОА Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy Materials Engineering 240 Serbian 22.01.2009. 27.07.2021. 27.07.2028.
174 ОА Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy Metallurgical Engineering 240 Serbian 22.01.2009. 27.07.2021. 27.07.2028.
175 ОА Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy Textile Technology 180 Serbian 30.01.2009. 28.03.2014. 28.03.2021.
176 ОА Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy Chemical Engineering 240 Serbian 22.01.2009. 27.07.2021. 27.07.2028.
ОА Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy 240 Serbian 27.07.2021. 27.07.2021. 27.07.2028.
177 МА Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology 60 Serbian 25.04.2009. 27.07.2021. 27.07.2028.
178 МА Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy Environmental Engineering 60 Serbian 23.09.2016. 27.07.2021. 27.07.2028.
178 МА Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy Environmental Engineering 60 Serbian 25.04.2009. 09.04.2014. 09.04.2021.
179 МА Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy Materials Engineering 60 Serbian 25.04.2009. 22.09.2021. 22.09.2028.
180 МА Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy Metallurgical Engineering 60 Serbian 25.04.2009. 27.07.2021. 27.07.2028.
181 МА Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy Textile Technology 120 Serbian 25.04.2009. 28.03.2014. 28.03.2021.
182 МА Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy Chemical Engineering 60 Serbian 25.04.2009. 27.07.2021. 27.07.2028.
МА Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology 60 English 09.05.2014. 27.07.2021. 27.07.2028.
МА Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy Chemical Engineering 60 English 09.04.2014. 27.07.2021. 27.07.2028.
МА Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy Digital Process Engineering 60 English 27.07.2021. 27.07.2021. 27.07.2028.
МА Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy Environmental Engineering 60 English 09.04.2014. 09.04.2014. 09.04.2021.
МА Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy Environmental Engineering 60 English 23.09.2016. 27.07.2021. 27.07.2028.
МА Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy Materials Engineering 60 English 28.03.2014. 22.09.2021. 22.09.2028.
МА Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy Metallurgical Engineering 60 English 09.05.2014. 27.07.2021. 27.07.2028.
МА Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy Textile Technology 120 English 28.03.2014. 28.03.2014. 28.03.2021.
МА Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy 60 Serbian 27.07.2021. 27.07.2021. 27.07.2028.
183 ДА Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology 180 Serbian 22.01.2009. 27.07.2021. 27.07.2028.
184 ДА Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy Environmental Engineering 180 Serbian 22.01.2009. 27.07.2021. 27.07.2028.
185 ДА Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy Materials Engineering 180 Serbian 22.01.2009. 27.07.2021. 27.07.2028.
186 ДА Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy Metallurgical Engineering 180 Serbian 22.01.2009. 27.07.2021. 27.07.2028.
187 ДА Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy Textile Engineering 180 Serbian 30.01.2009. 04.07.2014. 04.07.2021.
188 ДА Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy Chemistry 180 Serbian 25.04.2009. 01.11.2021. 01.11.2028.
189 ДА Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy Chemical Engineering 180 Serbian 22.01.2009. 27.07.2021. 27.07.2028.
ДА Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology 180 English 04.07.2014. 27.07.2021. 27.07.2028.
ДА Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy Chemical Engineering 180 English 04.07.2014. 27.07.2021. 27.07.2028.
ДА Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy Chemistry 180 English 04.07.2014. 01.11.2021. 01.11.2028.
ДА Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy Environmental Engineering 180 English 04.07.2014. 27.07.2021. 27.07.2028.
ДА Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy Materials Engineering 180 English 04.07.2014. 27.07.2021. 27.07.2028.
ДА Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy Metallurgical Engineering 180 English 04.07.2014. 27.07.2021. 27.07.2028.
ДА Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy Textile Engineering 180 English 04.07.2014. 04.07.2014. 04.07.2021.
163 ОА Faculty of Traffic and Transport Engineering Traffic 240 Serbian 09.01.2009. 22.06.2021. 22.06.2028.
164 МА Faculty of Traffic and Transport Engineering Traffic 60 Serbian 09.01.2009. 22.06.2021. 22.06.2028.
165 ДА Faculty of Traffic and Transport Engineering Traffic 180 Serbian 09.01.2009. 22.06.2021. 22.06.2028.
226 ИА Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Integrated Undergraduate and Master Academic Studies in Veterinary Medicine 360 Serbian 24.04.2009. 24.10.2014. 24.10.2021.
ИА Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Medicine 330 English 30.05.2023. 30.05.2023. 28.05.2028.
ИА Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 330 Serbian 28.05.2021. 28.05.2021. 28.05.2028.
227 СА Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Medicine 60 Serbian 10.07.2009. 24.10.2014. 24.10.2021.
394 СА Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 60 Serbian 18.12.2019. 18.12.2019. 18.12.2026.
СА Faculty of Veterinary Medicine 120 Serbian 21.06.2021. 21.06.2021. 21.06.2028.
228 ДА Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Medicine 180 Serbian 24.04.2009. 28.05.2021. 28.05.2028.
157 ОС School of Dental Medicine Dental Technician Orthodontist 180 Serbian 06.04.2012. 07.11.2023. 07.11.2030.
158 ОС School of Dental Medicine Oral Hygiene 180 Serbian 11.07.2014. 11.07.2014. 11.07.2021.
ОС School of Dental Medicine 180 Serbian 19.05.2008. 19.05.2008. 19.05.2013.
159 ИА School of Dental Medicine Integrated Studies of Dental Medicine 360 Serbian 21.06.2013. 12.06.2020. 12.06.2027.
383 ИА School of Dental Medicine Integrated Studies of Dental Medicine 360 English 21.06.2013. 12.06.2020. 12.06.2027.
ИА School of Dental Medicine 360 Serbian 19.05.2008. 08.07.2011. 19.05.2013.
160 СА School of Dental Medicine Dentistry 60 Serbian 19.05.2008. 21.06.2013. 21.06.2020.
162 ДА School of Dental Medicine Basic and Clinical Research in Dental Medicine 180 Serbian 13.09.2013. 18.09.2020. 18.09.2027.
ДА School of Dental Medicine Basic and Clinical Research in Dentistry 180 English 18.09.2020. 18.09.2020. 18.09.2027.
ДА School of Dental Medicine Multidisciplinary approach to solving basic and clinical problems in dentistry 180 Serbian 19.05.2008. 19.05.2008. 19.05.2013.
47 ОА School of Electrical Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering 240 Serbian 19.05.2008. 04.10.2019. 04.10.2026.
48 ОА School of Electrical Engineering Software Engineering 240 Serbian 19.05.2008. 19.05.2017. 18.05.2024.
ОА School of Electrical Engineering 240 Serbian 19.05.2017. 26.03.2024. 26.03.2031.
ОА School of Electrical Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering 240 English 12.04.2013. 04.10.2019. 04.10.2026.
ОА School of Electrical Engineering Software Engineering 240 English 26.03.2024. 26.03.2024. 26.03.2031.
ОА School of Electrical Engineering Software Engineering 240 English 12.04.2013. 13.09.2013. 12.04.2020.
49 МА School of Electrical Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering 60 Serbian 19.05.2008. 04.10.2019. 04.10.2026.
397 МА School of Electrical Engineering 90 Serbian 17.09.2019. 17.09.2019. 17.09.2026.
МА School of Electrical Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering 60 English 12.04.2013. 04.10.2019. 04.10.2026.
50 ДА School of Electrical Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering 180 Serbian 19.05.2008. 24.04.2020. 24.04.2027.
ДА School of Electrical Engineering Electrical and Computer Engineering 180 English 12.04.2013. 24.04.2020. 24.04.2027.
68 ОА School of Medicine Nursing 240 Serbian 09.04.2014. 22.06.2021. 22.06.2028.
69 ИА School of Medicine Medicine 360 Serbian 27.03.2009. 17.12.2024. 17.12.2031.
382 ИА School of Medicine Medicine 360 English 11.06.2010. 17.12.2024. 17.12.2031.
70 МА School of Medicine Graduated medical nurse 120 Serbian 27.03.2009. 27.03.2009. 27.03.2014.
71 МА School of Medicine Health policy and menagement 60 Serbian 27.03.2009. 27.03.2009. 27.03.2014.
72 МА School of Medicine Public Health 60 Serbian 23.05.2014. 30.09.2021. 30.09.2028.
73 МА School of Medicine Management of the Health Care System 60 Serbian 07.05.2010. 14.03.2023. 14.03.2030.
74 МА School of Medicine Neuroethics 60 Serbian 28.03.2014. 28.03.2014. 28.03.2021.
75 МА School of Medicine Nursing 60 Serbian 09.04.2014. 09.04.2014. 09.04.2021.
76 МА School of Medicine 60 Serbian 22.06.2012. 08.06.2021. 08.06.2028.
МА School of Medicine 60 Serbian 11.10.2022. 11.10.2022. 11.10.2029.
МА School of Medicine Bioetics 60 English 22.06.2021. 22.06.2021. 22.06.2028.
МА School of Medicine Medical Longevity and Healthy Aging 60 English 11.10.2022. 11.10.2022. 11.10.2029.
МА School of Medicine Physical Activity, Health and Exercise Therapy 60 English 25.10.2022. 25.10.2022. 25.10.2029.
МА School of Medicine Physical Activity, Health and Exerecise Therapy 60 Serbian 12.02.2016. 25.10.2022. 25.10.2029.
МА School of Medicine Public health 60 Serbian 03.09.2010. 03.09.2010. 03.09.2015.
МА School of Medicine Public Health 60 English 23.05.2014. 30.09.2021. 30.09.2028.
МА School of Medicine 60 Serbian 22.06.2021. 22.06.2021. 22.06.2028.
77 СА School of Medicine Medical Sciences 60 Serbian 09.04.2014. 05.10.2021. 05.10.2028.
СА School of Medicine 60 Serbian 27.03.2009. 27.03.2009. 27.03.2014.
МС School of Medicine 120 Serbian 15.07.2021. 15.07.2021. 15.07.2028.
МС School of Medicine 120 Serbian 07.12.2021. 07.12.2021. 07.12.2028.
МС School of Medicine 120 Serbian 15.10.2021. 15.10.2021. 15.10.2028.
МС School of Medicine 120 Serbian 15.11.2021. 15.11.2021. 15.11.2028.
МС School of Medicine 120 Serbian 16.12.2021. 16.12.2021. 16.12.2028.
МС School of Medicine 120 Serbian 09.06.2022. 09.06.2022. 09.06.2029.
84 ДА School of Medicine Medical Sciences 180 Serbian 25.11.2011. 20.09.2022. 20.09.2029.
85 ДА School of Medicine Ph.d. studies in the field of medical sciences 180 Serbian 22.01.2010. 22.01.2010. 22.01.2015.
86 ДА School of Medicine Molecular medicine 180 Serbian 27.03.2009. 27.03.2009. 27.03.2014.
ДА School of Medicine Medical Sciences 180 English 20.09.2022. 20.09.2022. 20.09.2029.
190 ОА Technical Faculty in Bor Engineering Management 240 Serbian 27.03.2009. 10.11.2020. 10.11.2027.
191 ОА Technical Faculty in Bor Metallurgical Engineering 240 Serbian 27.03.2009. 10.11.2020. 10.11.2027.
192 ОА Technical Faculty in Bor Mining Engineering 240 Serbian 27.03.2009. 10.11.2020. 10.11.2027.
193 ОА Technical Faculty in Bor Chemical Engineering 240 Serbian 27.03.2009. 17.11.2020. 17.11.2027.
194 МА Technical Faculty in Bor Engineering Management 60 Serbian 27.03.2009. 10.11.2020. 10.11.2027.
195 МА Technical Faculty in Bor Metallurgical Engineering 60 Serbian 27.03.2009. 10.11.2020. 10.11.2027.
196 МА Technical Faculty in Bor Mining Engineering 60 Serbian 27.03.2009. 10.11.2020. 10.11.2027.
197 МА Technical Faculty in Bor Chemical Engineering 60 Serbian 27.03.2009. 10.11.2020. 10.11.2027.
198 ДА Technical Faculty in Bor Engineering Management 180 Serbian 27.03.2009. 01.04.2021. 01.04.2028.
199 ДА Technical Faculty in Bor Metallurgical Engineering 180 Serbian 27.03.2009. 10.11.2020. 10.11.2027.
200 ДА Technical Faculty in Bor Mining Engineering 180 Serbian 27.12.2013. 10.11.2020. 10.11.2027.
201 ДА Technical Faculty in Bor Chemical Engineering 180 Serbian 27.03.2009. 10.11.2020. 10.11.2027.
202 МА University of Belgrade European and international policies and crisis management 60 ECTS 60 English 02.07.2010. 02.07.2010. 02.07.2015.
203 МА University of Belgrade Erasmus Mundus Joint European Master in Astrophysics - Astromundus 120 English 06.04.2012. 02.06.2017. 02.06.2024.
204 МА University of Belgrade MA Management of Business Performance 60 Serbian 20.05.2011. 27.12.2019. 27.12.2026.
205 МА University of Belgrade Mechatronics in Medical Rehabilitation 60 Serbian 04.12.2015. 04.12.2015. 04.12.2022.
206 МА University of Belgrade MA Education Policy 60 Serbian 14.09.2012. 02.08.2019. 02.08.2026.
207 МА University of Belgrade MA Entrepreneurial management 60 Serbian 20.05.2011. 20.05.2011. 20.05.2016.
208 МА University of Belgrade Social Sciences and Computing 60 Serbian 26.09.2014. 23.07.2021. 23.07.2028.
209 МА University of Belgrade Religion in Society, Culture and European Integration 120 Serbian 07.06.2013. 22.02.2021. 22.02.2028.
210 МА University of Belgrade Terrorism, Organized Crime and Security 120 Serbian 17.09.2010. 17.09.2010. 17.09.2015.
210 МА University of Belgrade Terrorism, Organized Crime and Security 120 Serbian 08.07.2016. 08.07.2016. 08.07.2023.
211 МА University of Belgrade Terrorism, Organized Crime and Security 60 Serbian 17.09.2010. 29.11.2013. 17.09.2015.
211 МА University of Belgrade Terrorism, Organized Crime and Security 60 Serbian 08.07.2016. 08.07.2016. 08.07.2023.
380 МА University of Belgrade European Politics and Crises Management 60 Serbian 02.09.2016. 02.09.2016. 02.09.2023.
387 МА University of Belgrade Studies of migration 60 Serbian 19.05.2017. 19.05.2017. 18.05.2024.
438 МА University of Belgrade European Politics and Crisis Management 60 English 02.09.2016. 02.09.2016. 02.09.2023.
439 МА University of Belgrade 90 Serbian 28.09.2021. 28.09.2021. 28.09.2028.
440 МА University of Belgrade Advanced data analytics 90 English 28.09.2021. 28.09.2021. 28.09.2028.
МА University of Belgrade Climate change and adaptation to climate change 60 Serbian 19.11.2024. 19.11.2024. 19.11.2031.
МА University of Belgrade Climate change and adaptation to climate change 60 English 19.11.2024. 19.11.2024. 19.11.2031.
МА University of Belgrade Social Sciences and Computing 60 English 26.09.2014. 26.09.2014. 26.09.2021.
212 ДА University of Belgrade Biomedical Engineering and Technology 180 Serbian 14.10.2011. 10.06.2016. 10.06.2023.
213 ДА University of Belgrade Biophysics 180 Serbian 18.01.2013. 01.06.2021. 01.06.2028.
214 ДА University of Belgrade Biophotonics 180 Serbian 19.06.2015. 19.06.2015. 19.06.2022.
215 ДА University of Belgrade Intelligent Systems 180 Serbian 06.02.2015. 06.02.2015. 06.02.2022.
216 ДА University of Belgrade History and Philosophy of Natural Sciences and Technology 180 Serbian 30.05.2014. 30.05.2014. 30.05.2021.
ДА University of Belgrade Intelligent Systems 180 English 06.02.2015. 06.02.2015. 06.02.2022.